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Thursday, August 28, 2014

A Little Cooler...

So far today, its staying a little cooler.  I'm feeling some better than yesterday.  As an HIV + person, it gets tiring talking about how crappy you feel most the time.  I really don't like it.  

Feeling off is just the normal for my life.   I don't care for complaining about the day to day  issues this illness brings to my life.  I'll talk about them, but not nearly as much as I could.  I don't want all the negativity it brings.  I don't want  this virus having any more power over my life than it already does.

I'll get up & get through my day as best I can.  I'll wrap up this month in preparation for being another year older.  I have to admit I'm doing better with the impending birthday stuff than I usually do.   By now, I'm usually utterly annoyed with this time of the year.

HIV is invasive & there's no denying it.  It will overtake every part of your life.  It will have impact on every spec of your being.  Doesn't mean I have to like it or talk about it incessantly.  

Today is cooler than yesterday.   The morning glories were blooming earlier.  The hummingbirds & dragonflies are flitting through the bushes.    These are the things I'm going to focus on at this moment.


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