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Sunday, August 3, 2014

A Little Ouch...

I've awoke to fog the last 2 mornings.  Fog usually isn't that bad, but combined with these temps, it means the humidity is through the roof.  It's really pissing off my left foot. 

Until this Summer, I'd gone quite a while without any feet related ailments.  Now, it seems to be the theme of the season.   I've had a enough.  It's time to either really heat up, cool down or dry the hell up for a while.  

Gout flare-ups, even just the warnings, are no fun whatsoever.   The left side of my foot is achy, feverish & a little swollen.  If this continues, it'll get a lot worse.  That makes walking a challenge & driving no fun at all.  It's worse when it's bothering the right foot.

I went shopping this morning.  That'll have to about do it for exercise today.  I'm not overdoing it on a foot warning of a gout flare-up.


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