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Friday, August 8, 2014

Living With It...

This article about his life with HIV.  It's brief, but worthwhile.    It's about the alienation & anonymity the  writer faced after his diagnosis.  I know it's nothing I haven't posted about before, but it's always good to see someone else's perspective.

For me it's my HIV.  For my roommate, it has been her weight.  For other's it might be anything; their gender, age, ethnicity.  These things that are always playing out in our lives.  

In some ways I'm lucky.  For the most part, my HIV is invisible to others.   I don't have people constantly feeling the need to point out the obvious, like you're black or you're fat.  

What I do have to handle, is the every moment of the thing.   There is no time in which I am not +, nor will there be.   This is my life.  It'd be nice every once in a while if I could just forget about it for a day.  Not think about all ways HIV dictates my life.  But I can't.

I'm lucky & I know it.  I have an income (minimal) &  access to healthcare.   I wish I had more $, but if I did, I'd lose access to my healthcare.  I can't not take my meds if I want to stay as healthy as possible.  I am HIV + & it is a central point of my life & there isn't anything I can do about it now.

Unless you're in a situation like this, then it will be difficult for you to understand the impact that can have on a person.  The endlessness of it all can be very overwhelming at times.   Still, it's my life.


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