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Sunday, August 10, 2014

2nd Sunday...

It's weird to be this far into August & to have only seriously needed the AC a half a dozen times or so.  Our high has been roughly the mid 90's F.  Unfortunately, there was a lot of humidity, so it felt more hellish.  Still, a couple of Summers ago, we had almost the entire Summer at or above 100 F.  

This erratic weather is weird.  The yard looks like it's June.  Bugs are prolific.  Allergens abound.  It's raining in August.  The peach tree never delivered & the wild cherry tree barely did.  The wild rose bush  looks dead while sitting juxtaposed to a very lush looking, non-producing, peach tree.  

They say we're in for a cooler Fall.  Now, the idea of Winter is sort of scaring me.  If Summer has been 5 - 10 degrees below average, then what's Winter going to be like?  Oh well, at east the cooler weather is good for sleeping.


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