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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Another Door Closes...

This is the very last day of August 2014.  It's also the last day of me being 47.  Age has never really phased me.  But, the time passage without really accomplishing anything is a bit upsetting.  It's been a long time since I've done much besides simply get by in life.  

The problem with growing up like I did, with parents that had other motivations besides their children's well-being, is everything becomes a matter of survival.   Most things I've done in my life we're just to make it through the moments.   To get by until the next opportunity came.  I've been a little mercenary in my life & far too reactive.  I'm not sure there many other options though.

Other than getting though another year & somewhat doing this blog, I accomplished just about squat.  The rub of the matter is the lack of accomplishment isn't even the problem.  The problem is there was nothing much I wanted to do.    

I've come to a place in my life with little more than trying to get through the day.  It's been forever since I've had a goal of any consequence that was reasonably possible.  Maybe those are just things for younger people.  I hope not.   This just getting by thing is tedious & tiresome.

I'm not sure if this upcoming year will be any different.  I still have no goals that seem obtainable.   Damn, I'm depressing.  I'm thankful for all the good that's come my way & the bad that's passed me by.   To anyone who reads this blog, thanks for stopping by.  Many thanks to those in my life, what few are left.   Hopes & wishes to friends that have dropped off to other places over the years.  

Goodbye August 2014 & so long 47.


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