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Monday, August 4, 2014


This article is about a man in Oklahoma whose been arrested for soliciting sex from people without revealing his HIV + status.  According to the Oklahoma State Health Department, he tested + back in 2007.  Since then, he's made almost 700 solicitations for sex on Craig's List.  Even if he only has a 1 in 10 success rate, that's 70 people.

Quotes in the article try to make this man out as a psychopath.  (I just love it when non-psych people diagnose).  It's possible this man is every bad thing that's ever been said about him, but that's irrelevant.   Yes, I said it doesn't matter, it means nothing.

This man trolled for sex on Craig's List.  These people answered those ads.   They had unsafe sex with a stranger.  They say he told them he was HIV -.  So what?  He lied,  they didn't demand a condom & now they could very well be + themselves.  

This man should not of done what he did, given.  However, to place all the blame on him alone is BS.  A lot of people made choices, seemingly most of them bad choices & now there are consequences to those actions.  That's called life.  

I am HIV +, because of my choices.  Unless this man forced them to have sex, they are at least partly to blame for their possible/current HIV status.  This man should be dealt with & prosecuted.  But, playing the blame game won't help anyone.


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