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Monday, August 18, 2014

Car Wash...

We went shopping this morning.  We started at Walmart, but wound up having to go to the other store as well.   Walmart was so busy, I wound up forgetting some things.  

The tree we've been parking under has been providing gifts for us.  I thought it was sap.  It wasn't.  It was honeydew.  Go read that link & wrap your head around that.   The van was so covered it had to be washed.  I normally take the wait & let the rain do its job approach to this matter.  But, the van was sticky & disgusting.  The only good thing is that honeydew comes off easier than real sap. Still, eeeewwww!!!

Now, we're back & it's humid.  I'm tired & ready to do nothing for a bit.  I still have cooking to do, but that can wait.


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