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Saturday, August 30, 2014


Yesterday's rain cooled things down some.  It also made the humidity horrid.  It wasn't until after dark things started getting pleasant.  By then, I was exhausted.  

It's very humbling how strongly weather can affect your well being.   I'm not talking about something as big as a tornado destroying your home.  I'm talking about how daily temperatures & humidity levels can make or break a chronically ill person's day.

I've talked about this a lot, but it remains a constant in my life.  Whether it's the HIV, the meds, gout, my age or whatever, weather has become a notable factor in my health.  That sucks.

Seriously, it just blows.  There's nothing you can do about the weather, besides react  to it.  Sure, you can stay inside in a heated/cooled home, but even that doesn't undo all that weather can do to you.   It doesn't handle humidity all that well.  It does little for natural light levels.  

For those of you not in a place in your life where the weather is such a big cause of health issues, be thankful.  Maybe it will never bother you.  Maybe you'll have till you're much older before the whims of weather impact your well being.  Enjoy it while it lasts.


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