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Friday, December 13, 2013

The Busies & Stupids...

Going to see the movie got bumped back up for today.  This is moving us along faster than I'd thought.  Unfortunately, not fast enough to avoid yet another screw up by my pharmacy.  Apparently, somehow the dosage on 1 of my meds got upped without me being told about it.  

Fortunately, it just got doubled so I can take half & have my regular dose.  I can't even get a hold of my doctor until Monday.  The original error may have been on my doctor's end.  However, I've talked to the pharmacy 3 times already about this order.  They didn't bother telling me about this until it was too late to do anything about it.  That is entirely on them.  

I'm just a little too tiffed to blog right now.  This is yet another reason it's not good to live in a rural area as a + person.  There are no decent pharmacies near you


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