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Saturday, December 7, 2013

Chapped, Congested & Chilled...

Today I am those things.  My lips are chapped.  My head is congested.  I am chilled.  Adding to that,  I'm slightly feverish, stiff & achy.  I'm very glad I got my flu shot.   

We won't get above freezing temps today, but the ground's still warm & the sun is shining enough to start melting off this mess.  I drove to the mail box place today, it was closed.  That's OK, the van needed driving & it gave me a chance to see the mess of broken tree limbs everywhere.

We opted to trim our bushes back quite severely this year.  All exact the big crepe myrtle along the drive.  It got whacked this morning, so I could get out of the drive.   The 2 trees in the yard held up well so far, here's hoping they keep doing so  throughout the season.  

This weather has made a mess of things.  It's made me feel like a wreck.  I am not a fan of Winter.  Hopefully, it will at least kill off some of the damn bugs.


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