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Friday, December 27, 2013


A year ago this time I posted this entry, Sick Kitty.  I didn't realize I had greatly underestimated the severity of the situation & that would begin my final hours with my cat, Alice.  She passed on this day last year.  Some days it seems like a lot longer, but not others.  

After she passed, the house was a lot more quiet.  She was a loud cat.  Soon after, Ruffian stopped coming by.  I haven't seen in our windows in almost a year.  I've only seen him twice since & only got him to come to me once.   Fluffy passed in August.  The girls are somewhere around 12, this has been a weird cat year.

Tinkerbell has come inside, but she's not as personable as the others.  We gained another outdoor, orange cat with Clementine.  He's nice, but he's not Ruffian.  I shouldn't compare.

I'm just a little down today.  I've lost a lot of cats since my diagnosis & it doesn't make this any easier.  I'll be glad when all this holiday stuff has moved on & I can get back to my normal routine.  Take care.


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