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Saturday, December 28, 2013

4, 3, 2, 1...

Counting today, there are only 4 days left in this year.   What will you do with the last  few days of 2013?  I think we'll play it safe & keep to ourselves mostly.  No sense in tempting the year to end on a bad note.

The holiday season is almost over & that's just fine by me.  I get tired of the holiday stuff about a week after Thanksgiving (US).   Passed that, the whole thing starts to wear on my nerves.  Once we're into constant TV reruns, I've had it with the holidays.    These things always overstay their welcome with me.

I'm looking forward to 2014.  I think it could be a good year.  I certainly hope so.   We've all had enough of bad for a while.   

My resolution is simple.  I'm going to try to re-embrace some of my better habits.  Beyond that, we'll see. 

Enjoy what little's left of the year.


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