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Thursday, March 21, 2013


Except for the technician & myself being male, this photo is pretty much how my  morning looked.  I went in for my ANSAR, a test for my autonomic nervous system.  It's fairly easy.

  1. Arrive at doctor's office
  2. Go to exam room
  3. Have 3 leads place on your body
  4. Have a blood pressure cuff put on your arm
  5. Remain seated, still & quiet for about 5 minutes
  6. Throughout this period the cuff will inflate & deflate
  7. You will do deep breathing for a minute or so
  8. You'll do nothing for a minute of so
  9. You'll do another type of deep breathing for a bit
  10. You'll do nothing for a minute or so
  11. You'll stand for 5 minutes, cuffed arm folded across your chest
  12. You'll get unhooked & uncuffed
  13. You leave
You've had an ANSAR exam.  That's it for the basic test.  You'll have to wait for the doctor to tell you how it went or if anything needs to be done.  But, for now, your done.


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