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Sunday, March 3, 2013

1st Steps...

I did my 1st set of steps in a while.  It's supposed to get up to 60 F here today.  Just before noon it was 53.  I decided to take my exercise back out to the steps.  I just prefer the steps to the other routines I've made for myself.   I feel like I get more out of the experience. 

It may have been 53 & that may have been a lot warmer than what it's been lately, but it was still chilly.  I wasn't physically cold, but after a bit the cool air & the physical exertion made my breathing less than great.  I got in the full set, but I felt it.  It's been a while since was doing my steps regularly.

I've decided until it gets warmer, that steps will be a later in the day thing.  Hopefully, by then the air will be warmer.   That will help my breathing from becoming so ragged.    I seriously don't need bronchitis or some other respiratory illness.  I'm also opting for only 1 set of steps a day until I get my endurance back up.  I guess that means keeping my other routines going for the meantime.

Still, I'm glad I got out there today.


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