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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Undesired Change...

My roomie is dealing with a change in her routine.  An online service she frequents has announced it will be closing it's virtual doors.  This was something she used often & meant a lot to her.  To the best of our knowledge there isn't anything else out there like it.  Understandably, she's upset.

When you're a person living via restricted means for whatever reason, having order in your life is very important.  It lets you feel like there's some rhyme & reason in your life.  Once that order is threatened, you begin to feel like a leaf in a tornado.  

We're both on disability & not at the peak of health.   Our options & access is greatly limited.  When we do find something that suits our needs, it's a huge boon.  When something takes 1 of them away it's a very bad thing for us that easily ripples through our lives.  Sure, we'll get through it, but for a time it's very depressing.  

When you're ill, you have to make the best of things & anything that doesn't go along with that is a detriment.    Being on disability is both a blessing & an issue.  It allows for enough to stay afloat, but just barely.  Any change that happens in our lives winds up impacting every other part.  

Soon, this service will be gone & she'll be left without a suitable replacement.  This wasn't a change she expected, nor requested.  It was situation created by things beyond her control. When things like this happen in our lives, it's very important to accept what this meant to us & how it will impact us.  Recognition & acknowledgement are greatly important in our lives.  Even if it is to an online service.  


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