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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Tonight's The Night...

I know I've been going on about this, but tonight is the night the clocks fall back an hour.  I'm not so much interested in the hour, itself, but the morning light it'll offer.  This last week has been really hard on me in the mornings.  I haven't gotten much done & I've been dragging.  

My internal clock needs that morning light to start the wake up process.  It's probably going to take a few days to get past the lag I'm in right now.  This morning was the worst of it.  I just did stretches this morning. I woke up feeling out of it & like I had a hang over.  This hopefully will lessen as the light changes.

None of this would be a problem if I didn't have meds that demanded to be taken at certain times & with or without food.  I get up when I do so I can take 2 meds that need to be taken on an empty stomach.  Then I have to wait an hour before I can eat.  Even if I get up when I want, get around & take my meds, by the time I get breakfast ready it's somewhere around 9:30 or a little later.  I don't want to have to push things by getting up earlier.  

We'll see what tomorrow's like.


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