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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Pre T-Day...

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving (US). There is a fair amount to cook, but not too much.  I'll get some done today,  so my roomie can take it tomorrow to her family's get together.  We've got the trash out, laundry done & possibly will get to some dishes later.  That'll leave only cooking & getting around tomorrow.  

I think you should stop from time to time & realize what you have in your life.  Take stock of the good & the bad.  Be thankful for the good & acknowledge it.  Do your best to limit or get rid of the bad.   There are things in my life right I'm not overly fond of, but I realize things could be far worse.

For those of you celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow, I hope you have a great celebration.  For everyone else, have a great Thursday.  


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