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Monday, November 19, 2012

+ Navy...

This article discusses how a new policy in the Navy & US Marines will allow HIV + corps members to serve on foreign soil & on some ships.  This is the 1st big change in the how these corps handle + people since the 1980's.  Before this, most people would be fortunate if they were allowed to serve at all once being diagnosed as +.   If these people weren't immediately removed from service, they were not allowed on ships or foreign soil.

The new terms do require regular medical reviews & treatment.  That would be a given to remain healthy anyway.  This is a huge step forward for the Navy.  I agree with the decision, but I must say I'm a little surprised it came about.  This is a military that just recently allowed gay people to openly serve.  Allowing  + people to serve in this manner is acknowledging the changing reality of HIV.  I wonder if the Army & Air Force do now or will have soon similar allowances made for HIV + people.  


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