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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Busy Day...

'Today was the 1st serious cold snap day for us.  It's been chilly, but there hadn't been ice in the outdoor cat water bowl until today.  We'll probably hit 60 F, but this morning was a wee bit nippy.

It's been a bit of a busy day.  I got my exercise done .  Then my roomie's appointment got cancelled, so we opted to drive over to Fort Smith.  It was a fairly successful trip, no major traffic issues.   We managed to get most, if not all, the holiday shopping.  Now, there's just wrapping & cards to send.  I still have to get a couple of last minute things for Thanksgiving & then my holiday spending will be done.  Woohoo.

I have a policy for buying gifts for people I'm not that involved with on a day to day basis.  Most people have way to much stuff in their homes & don't really want anymore junk taking up space. So, I tend to buy temporary things.  I buy seasonal candies, project toys, bath items or specialty food stuffs.  All things that are useful (or at least delicious) & soon to be gone.

Don't think you're being cheap if you buy these things.  Most people won't buy themselves the specialty goods they enjoy, so it's something you're fairly certain they won't have on hand.  Even if they do, who doesn't want more candy?   If they really hate it, they can always regift it.  I especially like project toys/crafts & cheap dollar toys for kids.  They'll probably get a bunch of bigger stuff, but these cheap things let them just play & if it breaks, so what?  It was only a buck or so.

I've got other stuff to get done, so I'll write more tomorrow.


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