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Thursday, December 8, 2011


Well, it's that time of the year again.  The time when a combination of heaters, weather & hot showers leave my skin itchy.  I hate this.  This is the only time of the year I really like to take hot showers.  They open up my sinuses & help relax my aching muscles, especially when I manage to sleep in an odd position.

Now comes the lotions & ointments to try & calm down the itch.  The redness isn't too bad & I haven't managed to scratch myself too badly yet.  Hopefully, I won't.

So, my choices are Summer time heat with sweat, but no itch or Winter time dry, itchy skin, but no sweat.  What a choice.  Why did Fall have to leave so soon?  It isn't even really Winter for another couple of weeks.


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