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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Cya 2011...

I have to admit, I am among the many who will be happy to see 2011 in the rear-view mirror.  I mean it just wasn't a good year for a lot of folks, no matter where you were in the world. Between the continued warring, horrid weather & even worse economics, 2011 was not a picnic.

I have to wonder what it must be like to the year that every one is so incredibly glad to be past.  What is it like to be a disdained year?  What it's like to 2011, or the year of the stock market crash, or the year a world war started, etc...?   I mean, it must absolutely suck to be 2011 in comparison to some year like 1776 for the USA or even the Summer of Love 1969.

I will do my best to make my peace with 2011.  

  • I am thankful you are about over, but you gave me something to compare other years to
  • I learned I can survive a hellish year of weather
  • I know what it's like to replace a hot water heater
  • I know what it's like to have a frozen pipe fixed
  • I know about insurance issues
I could on, but I think I've made my point.  I have to admit there's already some things I am not looking forward to in 2012.  There is another round of craziness lurking in regards to another doomsday story.  There are the Olympics &  how can we forget in the USA it is an election year, yippie!

To 2011, I wish you a happy retirement wherever it is that years go after they've passed.   To 2012, I hope you bring better tidings than your predecessor.  I don't think I can stand many more life lessons.

Happy New Year's Eve


Friday, December 30, 2011


Today is my sister's birthday.  I used to make a notable effort to always call her either on or before the 30th to wish her a happy birthday.  She will be 52 this year.  That's so weird, because in my head she's a wild child teenager & I'm the little kid tagging along behind her.   It's really amazing how you can grow so far away from people you used to be so close to.  Amazing probably isn't the right word, but's close enough.

When I was about 8, my sister decided she'd had enough of all my mom's crap & moved out.  It really wasn't much of anything for a 15 or 16 year old to move out on their own back then.  That left me as the oldest in the house with that woman.   I took care of household chores & my two younger brothers.  Imagine leaving an eight year old to watch other children & to cook  with no adult any where nearby.  Yet, I still saw my sister fairly often.

When my sister was about 17, she married her first husband.    The marriage was hell & lasted a little under eight years.  I hated her husband with a passion.   Too bad he's still among the living.  I only saw my sister about a third of the time she was married to husband number one.  

When I was a freshmen in college, she married again & is still married to this one.  They lived a ways off & I only saw her once or twice.  After that, they moved to Seattle.  I was a junior in college when that happened & I haven't seen her since.  Still I tried to keep in contact.  That was difficult.  It was before email (which my sister doesn't do) & my sister is a lousy letter writer.

It was in the mid 1990's before I really managed to reestablish contact with her again on a fairly regular basis. It was only via phone calls, but it was something.  Over the years, I noticed that she called less & less.  It eventually turned out to be I was the one making all the calls.  We used to talk every other week or so.  Now, it's maybe every other month & I think she's fine with that.

It took me a while to admit some things.  My sister & I really weren't family anymore.  She was someone/something from my past.  One of the few things that I had managed to hold onto throughout my life.    My sister probably feels too indebted to the idea of family to just not answer the phone.  Finally, when my sister first moved out, all those years ago, I was angry.    I understood she had to get away from our mother, but that meant I was there alone.  I was never close to my other siblings, I'm still not.  The one I was close to, left.

Over time, it turned into me being the only one calling.  Her never remembering the holidays as far as I was concerned.  So, I call once in November before Thanksgiving & give my happy holidays for all those to come, knowing she won't call me.  If it took more effort than a phone call, I'd probably walk away from this altogether. Oh well, that's life.

Happy Birthday Sis...


Thursday, December 29, 2011

Dentist Calls...

The dental appointment beckons, so this is a short post.  Here's hoping, I can keep this dentist.  I really don't want to have to change just because my insurance went sideways on me.  My dentist is really good for me.  He handles a few patients at a time, instead of having them crammed in like sardines.   His office calls, emails & sends me a postcard to remind me of my appointments.  Sometimes we really do need three extra reminders.  Well, off I go to get phase two of a crown done & a cleaning.  Woohoo for me.


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Last Trash Day's Eve...

This is the last trash day's eve for 2011.  This is the last time of the year of dragging bags to the curb & leaving them there for the truck to haul away in the morning.  Another year is really wrapping up.  Tomorrow is my last dentist appointment of the year.  It might even turn to be the last one I have with this dentist.

What new things will come in 2012?  Will they be things I embrace or things that just irritate me?  I'll have new dental insurance, which so far has been an irritant.  It's all so que sera, sera.  I'm not really all that into the whatever will be, will be thing.  It's not Virgoan at all.

Here's hoping for the best.


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Four Days Left...

There are four days left in 2011.  There are seven left in my eleventh year of knowingly being HIV+.  My condition, at least for as long as I have been absolutely aware of it, is as old as the years of this century.  I guess in some ways that makes me a century baby.  

Even though I was born in 1966, my life has had many defining moments.  We moved around a lot so I won't list those or else I'd be writing for days.  

Somewhere about 1967/8 I had my first broken bone.  It was a femur.  I'm told I slipped part way out of a swing & got my leg caught.  I know I had to be in traction for a while.  

I started school earlier than most because of how my birthday fell.  When most kids were six during kindergarten, I didn't turn six until first grade.  I was always playing catch up.  I didn't turn sixteen until my junior year & eighteen when I was a freshmen in college.

With my family, we just kept moving & my parents kept fighting & drinking, or vice verse.  Before I was eight, I was far more bold.  I could dive pretty well & swim like a fish.   I'd jump off of anything.   That year my parents got a divorce.  It was definitely the right thing to do for them & us kids.  Still, it jarred part of me, that never quite got back.  I never dived without tensing up again, I hate the feeling of falling & I've never swam as well since.   I got very angry & part of that anger is still with me today.  It doesn't burn as hot as it did back then, but it's there.   

Then the cycle of my mother's many men/husbands began.   My first step-dad was actually a nice guy.  Too nice for her sake, he wouldn't fight with her & she soon divorced him.   None of the others were worth the pine boxes they are or will be buried in.  This was the norm until I was thirteen.

By now I had lived with various relatives, been dumped on baby-sitters for weeks at a time & left with my older sister.  But one day when I was thirteen.  I realized something, she had ditched us.  She was gone.  I had watched her kids for years, cleaned her house, did what I could to survive her & then she just left without so much as a good-bye.

From then until my later teens, I bounced from relatives, foster homes, juvenile centers, group homes, living on my own, jail & even a place for juveniles with "special" problems.  In other words if they can't push your square peg through enough round wholes, they call you a loon. 

At seventeen I ran away to college of all places.  I shouldn't have gone.  I could handle the academics, hell I got a Ph.D., but I wasn't there to learn.  I was just hiding.  Trying to survive.  In college I stayed until I had my doctorate.   I made some friends along the way, nearly all are gone now.

I lived in Tulsa, OK for a while after school.  It didn't go so well.  The economy for the academic arena was already falling to pieces & no needed another sociologist.   My bright future dimmed pretty damned quick.  Shortly, I found myself moving to help a friend  whose mother had just passed.  Turns out, he didn't really want help, he just didn't want to be alone.  

I found myself stuck in a tiny town of mostly unfriendly people.  In about 1999, I noticed I hadn't been feeling well.  It went away, then it came back, then it went away & came back worse.  I had been sexually active for years, but I played "safe".   I hadn't been active in a while.  Did I mention the town was full of unfriendly & mostly unattractive people?  I had been tested  three months out from my last encounter, then six, even nine.  I was fairly certain I wasn't +.  HAH!!!

The last part of 1999, I couldn't do anything.  I was wasting away, I could barely eat or move.  I sleep all the time.  I had night sweats.  There's a lot of this time I simply can't recall, because I was just too out of it.  But I can remember, I was freezing.  I didn't have insurance & had to rely on a free clinic for anything & they were none too helpful.  Finally, my friends took me to an ER & there I stayed in an ER room for the next eight hours, cold, tired & thirsty.

From 2000 until now, I have known I was +.    I didn't expect to be here today.  I thought I'd be dead by now.  Another surprise, I'm still here.  How very Yvonne De Carlo of me.  I wound up in the hospital once over a reaction to Retrovir (AZT).  I begged charities for drugs & fought with the HDAP program.  I eventually got on disability.  It seem things were looking up, again hah!

In relatively short order, my then roommate bailed to go live with a boyfriend he'd had for about six months.  I lived in the house alone for a while before my current roomie moved in & we eventually left that place, because the former roommate let it go back to the bank, even though we were making his payments.  We wound up in a shitty trailer.  Then it got interesting.  Over the course of the next few years, my roomie lost her job & wound up on disability as well. 

Life was not easy & it only got rougher for her.  She was treated like crap during the disability process. I thought they were just trying to outlast me, but they were hell-bent on humiliating her.  Things settled some after she was on it, but the $ issue was always there.  In the next few years, she lost both her mother & grandmother.  We now live in the grandmother's house, paying rent (upkeep) to her uncle.  She's making plans to get her off of disability.  I know that she will give it all she can.  

For me, my father finally turned up back in my life, be it mostly by phone.  He's in Texas, where's he's supposed to be sober going to AA meetings.  I don't trust it.  It may not be fair to him, but he set the situation up for me not to trust it.  My mother passed this last year & all I could feel was relief that the woman couldn't cause me any more chaos.  The rest of my family is scattered to the winds.  I talk to my older sister every couple of months or so, but it feels like we're just going through the motions.  Neither one of us, really know anything about the other any more.  We're related, but we're not family. At this point in my life,  I have a my roomie, some cats & a few people I chat with online.  For me, that's life.

That's that edited cliff notes of my life.  These are some of the defining moments. I really hope 2012 is a good year for everyone.  The rough years are getting a little hard to handle.   Some people would say that you just have to let go of all this stuff & move on with your life.  One question, if people like me let go of all the crap that defined us, then who are we?  Who would we be?


Monday, December 26, 2011

Post Christmas....

I am weirdly more festive today than I have been all season long.  Go figure.  I guess the best thing about today was that I got to go shopping without having the grocery side of Wally World crowded with seasonal amateurs.  The store may have been sold out of a lot of things, but it was nice to go down the aisle without people dawdling like they've never shopped for groceries ever.

I am not the most patient person, especially not when it comes to shopping.  I want to get in & get out.  I am not one of these people that enjoys spending time at Wal-Mart.  I don't get it & don't want to.  I just want to get my groceries, go home & unload them.  This is a practical thing for me, not a social event.

So, I am happy for today, Happy Post Christmas.


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas...

A very short post to you all.  Merry Christmas.   I am at home with my roomie & the cats.  It's quiet & calm.  The running around is finished & the gifts delivered.  Now it's time to enjoy & reflect.  To  begin our farewells to this year & greetings for the new one.   Whatever your reason for the season, happy holidays.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Birthdays & Beans...

Today is my roomie's birthday.   Hooray's & Hoorah's for her.  For me, it's another unbirthday.  Not much to write about on this Christmas Eve, except to wish you all a happy holiday season.  Being just the two of us, we opted for a non-traditional version of the Christmas Ham this year.  We're going with ham & beans  with cornbread.   We've also fixed cornbread stuffing with ham.  There is a pecan pie, so we aren't suffering by any means.  

The holidays are wrapping up.  I know New Year's has yet to come, but the Jolly Old Elf part is about to pass for another year.  I have to say that I have handled the holiday season better this year, than I have in quite some time.  There wasn't an immense amount of nostalgia, family history weirdness or seasonal irritation.  No this season was fairly well acknowledged & accepted.  

I still have some cooking to do, so I'll leave you with you with holiday wishes & a light display.


Friday, December 23, 2011

A Little Prevention...

A bill is running late getting to me, so I ran to the mail center to see if it had come in for me, of course it hadn't.  However, I did notice that one of the tires on the van was a bit low & decided to run down to the mechanic & get it looked at.   My roomie may have to drive this holiday weekend & I didn't want to leave her stranded somewhere with a flat.

I waited for 30 minutes surround by one less than intelligent father & his two rambunctious boys.  I am not a fan of children to begin, but when a fairly useless parent is involved, I'm even less tolerant.  Here, I am, just trying to get my tires looked at & now I have to his kids wailing & him whining to someone else about his child support payments & how they're eating him alive.  Hah, if only.  If they had, he wouldn't have been there  in the first place & I wouldn't have had to heard him or his kids.

They found nothing wrong with the tires, but told me if it goes low again to come back.   Hopefully it won't go low again or it will at least wait until Tuesday, my mechanic's shop will be closed on Monday.  It may not have solved much, besides getting some air in a tire,  but at least there was an active effort to avoid a flat & some reassurance that the tire should at least make it through the weekend.

Now time for the PSA, "Remember to always check your tires before a long drive or holiday weekend."


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Solstice...

The Solstice is upon us & a Happy Yule to all.  This is the day when the dark of the year begins to recede into the light.  The Holly King gives way to the Oak King.   In other words the days are going to start getting longer.  Soon, it won't be dark at 4:30 in the afternoon.  I, by far, dislike the dismal of Winter more than the frigid weather.

For those of you unfamiliar with Yule, it's a Pagan tradition out of the Germanic areas.  It is where we get many of our modern customs.

    • The Yule Boar became the Christmas Ham
    • Yule Singing became Caroling
    • The Yule Goat became a set of Reindeer
There is of course the Yule Log among other other traditions.  It is important to notice that there are many Winter Solstice observances around the world.  From Japan to the Arctic regions, there are traditions for this time of the year.  From the burning of clocks to the festivals of lights.  It would seem every culture has their own way of looking at & celebrating the Winter Solstice.

Be mindful of those who may have differing customs than your own.  You wouldn't want them laughing or criticizing yours.   Whatever holiday(s) you observe, may they be joyful.


Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Lately I've been talking to a lot of people about someone apologizing to them.  I almost despise apologies.  It seems to me that most apologies aren't sincere.  They're means to make the offender look less offensive or to make the offender feel as if they've wiped the slate clean.  "Well, I apologized, isn't that enough for you?"  Some times it isn't enough. 

Just because you apologize does not undo the situation.  Especially not if the offender turns around & does the same thing a day or two later only to look at the offended with a cheesy smile & snidely say they're sorry.  Apologies without remorse or intent not to repeat the action are bogus & worthless.

Some people come to you with their apologies like they're giving you the greatest gift that has ever been given.  This is common among twelve-steppers. With these people, the apology is about them, just like the action they took that required the apology was about them.  When the apology is about the person who did the offense it is again worthless.

Even if the person is repentant & sincere, that doesn't mean that you have to accept their apology.  Some things are beyond a simple, "I'm sorry".  You may not be in a place in your life where are ready or capable of accepting that apology.  Not all apologies have to be accepted.  If you accept an apology just to get out of awkward situation, then you're only cheapening the situation for yourself.  It may only take one person to offend the other, but apologies require participation on behalf of the offender(s) & offendee(s).

I can't tell you whether or not  you should accept an apology.  Every situation is different.  You're on your own for that decision.  But if it doesn't feel right, then tell the person, I do not accept your apology or that I can not at this time accept your apology.   If they get mad, then the apology wasn't real anyway.  If the apology was genuine then they'll understand that you are simply not ready.

The best bet is not to do or say anything you'll need to apologize for or if you do, then rectify the situation as quickly as possible.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Holiday Heat Wave...

We've actually been a bit unseasonably warm here for the last few days. We hit the 60's F yesterday & probably will do the same today.  It's a bit odd to be less than a week before Christmas & to be this warm.  We're supposed to be heading for a cool down this weekend.  So the holiday should be nice & chilly, but it won't be white.

I am not all that enthused about  the white Christmas idea.  That would just mean a bunch of people driving on the frozen stuff who should never been on a slick road in the first place.  Snowy roads in Oklahoma actually mean one thing, ICE!.  Ice is far harder to drive on than snow.  Snow gives & can actually allow for some traction.  Ice is unforgiving & has a lousy sense of humor.  It likes to see you go swerving off the side of the road into the ditch.

So, hoorah for non-white Christmases.


Monday, December 19, 2011

A Charitable Cussing...

Let me begin this with a bit of back story.  First, I am on disability, in other words, I am poor.  According to the Census Bureau's definition, I am a good ways under the poverty line.  I might not even have internet if it wasn't included in my rent.  

Second, I am interested in many social/political causes.  I may not have $ to give to these causes & charities but I can at least sign petitions, post things to may Facebook wall & make telephone calls, but's that about it.  There are a lot of charities & causes I would love to give $ to if I had it to give.  I'm usually running in the red. 

Finally, I am fairly selective of these causes.   I am not going to be active in something I think there is little chance these efforts will have an impact.  I really doubt if some African country gives a damn about a petition to treat gay people better in their country.  I do not care for charities that treat people in other countries before the people in their own country are being taken care of in regards to whatever matter.

I have been told repeatedly that there are so many charities & aid groups for people living with HIV in the USA.   I have looked high & low for over a decade & have found only three that could help me in any way at all.   I believe that the Ryan White grants have helped my specialist out Tulsa with OSU Medical at Houston Parke.  Tulsa Cares did what they could for me in the beginning. Mostly they got me on HDAP before  I got disability to get my meds.   Before all of that, a group out of Fort Smith, AR helped with a couple months of meds.  I believe that group was called Fort Smith Reach Out! but I could be wrong on that.  My recollection of the early days on the meds is really mainly a blur.  I do remember that they were based out Central Mall in Fort Smith.

Everything else I receive is what anyone on disability could get.  I've found no other support system, aid center or really even any one else to talk to on the matter.  So I get touchy when people tell me I have so much more than someone else in a  foreign country & I should give what little I have to them, because somehow they are more deserving than me.

So, to the point, yesterday a HIV  "charity" group based off of Facebook sent out this request for an event.   I was busy & clicked maybe on the response & had planned giving it more attention later in the day.   Turns out it was some aggressive panhandling being done by this group page.  I won't say which charity they were campaigning for, it wasn't the charity's fault this person was an ass.

Before I can get back to it, I receive a rude message about how this a charity drive & if I don't send $ via Paypal I will be dropped.  I went to the FB page & remarked that I did not appreciate his aggression & if that was the way he planned on running his group, he could drop me from it.    I received another message informing me he didn't give an F'ing damn about my feelings & I had better cough up the cash.  I replied back that it was obvious that he did not care about other people's feelings & that I was + & broke.  After this I received several more messages from this person being cussed & having names called.  Finally, I  reported the messages to Facebook.  I'm not sure what they'll do about it, but now this person is blocked from my page.

After this I looked at all the charity FB groups I was involved with & it seems that this individual was highly involved with every one concerning HIV/AIDS.  He was being just as belligerent on each groups' page.  I contacted these charities & informed them that I was removing myself from their lists as long as he was allowed to go on these tirades via their FB pages.  I have yet to hear back from them & might not.

I am a bit upset that I had to remove myself from these groups, but it was for the best.  No one who attempts to bully $ out of people is truly charitable. Any group that allows him to continue on like that isn't one I want anything to with.  This individual was not charitable, but instead was quite hypocritical.  The group I left had hundreds of members  & only a few had responded to his liking.  He has promised to remove them all from the group if they do not comply with his wishes.  This is how the Grinch stole charity.

Oh well, there are other groups to work with & endorse that will accept what I can do for them.  Hopefully this jerk won't destroy the charities he's representing.


Sunday, December 18, 2011

One Week & Counting...

The countdown continues & Christmas nears with less than one week to get here.  The children must be leaping madly about waiting for the day they can tear into their goodies.   Within two weeks we will have lived through another round of holidays from Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, New Years & even my roomie's birthday, she'll be 52.  Well give or take a bit on that number.

Whatever day or days you do recognize, I hope they are pleasant for you.  May you make cherished memories to carry with you.  Those are the things the holidays are really about.  It's not the religious points, commercialism or even the holiday specials.  It's those moments that we will recall about this time of the year ten, twenty or more years from now.  This is when traditions & history are made.  This is what you will tell your friends & family about down the line.  So make it a good year & pay attention to every detail you can.  

Have a great season.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Doing Well...

Today has been pleasant.  There haven't been any serious issues with my health or the house.  There isn't much going on either.  We plan on catching America's Test Kitchen & probably Sarah's House if we don't forget one or both.  I know, sounds so exciting, doesn't it?  But, not everyday has to be on at full burner.

The cats are settling into their cold weather habits.  They begrudgingly snuggle close to each other for warmth.  They bury themselves into piles of afghans.  They've mostly turned from little lithe bodied kitties to four-legged, furry sausage creatures.  

I will be glad when the holiday season has passed.  Then maybe TV schedules will settle down again.  Only fourteen days left in 2011.  The time is slipping away.   

Whatever you're doing today, I hope it goes well.


Friday, December 16, 2011

Another Friday...

Only two more Fridays left in this year.  The whole thing is coming to a close.  Are you ready for the Holidays?  I am.  That all got finished up yesterday.  Woohoo for us.  The only thing left is for the roomie to actually go to her celebrations & deliver all the goodies.

Normally, I'm a bit weirded out by the passing of the year.  Not this one.  I know there's no guarantee that 2012 will be any better.  There's even another end of the world prophesy, but's it's got to beat 2011. This year was rough in so many ways.  I'd like a year of not so much hellish weather, mass breakage & other crappy stuff.

So, get you're wishes for the new year in order.  Plan out those resolutions.  In the mean time have fun with the holiday stuff.


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thursday Again...

Yet another Thursday is here.  The trash has been picked up & some groceries were procured.  Not much planned for today except going over to Fort smith, AR to pick up the roomie & hopefully retrieve the final Christmas gift on the list.  Other than that it's me, here at home, with the cats & possibly a video or two.  Maybe, maybe not, on the video.  Sorta addled about videos today.  We'll see.

It's warm but gloomy today.  Apparently the big news cast for today was that we are supposed to be heading  for a cool down.  No, say it isn't so.  After all it's only mid December, not like we're getting near Winter or anything.  Pardon my slight sarcasm, but my local news could win Darwin awards if they were based off of  lack of personality, half-ass accuracy & being something other than obvious.

That's about it for today. Have a good one.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I am not a person that gives out compliments at the drop of a hat.  However, I do feel when someone has done something noteworthy they should be acknowledged, including oneself.   My roomie has gotten a couple of compliments from me lately.

The first one was aimed at her new endeavor of improvisational or visceral artwork.  We've been watching, Work of Art, on Bravo lately.   Quite frankly we have not been overly impressed with a lot of the pieces being produced by these artists.  My roomie has gotten into using the tiny program MS Paint to do very limited pieces.  She's limited by the programs lack of functions & the fact she rarely spends more than half an hour on them.  IMO, the pieces she's produced in this manner have been on par & often better than those produced by the artists on the show.

The next point of praise came when she endeavored to improve her own situation   My roomie's mobility is somewhat limited.  She decided to look for an aid in this issue & began looking for one her insurance would cover.  Now this effort has proven to be more arduous than expected, not to mention complicated.  Yet, she has continued to push forward on the matter.  I have no idea what the outcome is going to be, but at lest she took the initiative to improve her situation.  That's more than a lot of people would do.

There are two things I have given compliments on lately.  Who or what have you acknowledged recently?  Was it a real compliment or just flattery?


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Warm December Day...

Today's a bit odd,  it's supposed to get to about 65 F here today.  That's pretty warm for two weeks before Christmas time here.  The mostly indoor cat has found great joy in the warmth & has insisted on being outside today.  It may be one of the last warm days of the season.  

I like the fact that it's warmer.  It means I get to cut the heater off & save on the gas bill.  However, all this up & down temperature sliding is bound to be bad on a person's health.  So, I hope what ever it does weather-wise, that it slides slowly back & forth without any rapid switching.

Yeah, I know I'm griping about a warm day, but that just proves Virgos can find something to pick on about anything.


Monday, December 12, 2011


I love plans, they make my little Virgo mind go through life so much easier.  What I don't like is when plans go awry.  Now these attempts to organize the chaos of life into an orderly manner can be sabotaged by many factors.  You may forget to include some elements into your plan.  Some things in life are difficult, if not impossible, to account for in any strategy.  These things are annoying.  What I really hate is when it seems that some outside force/person/entity has decided to get it's jollies by screwing with your plans.  That bites.

In my household, we have to plan for just about everything.  Both of us are on disability & that limits the cash flow drastically.  This last year has been a testament to the unexpected things; a fairly new water heater dying, a less than two year old computer dying, a pipe freezing, car issues, dental difficulties, etc...  I could go on to with a virtual plethora of other issues, but why beat a dead horse.

I guess the point of this post is quite simply put, I am looking forward to the end of the year & hoping against hope that 2012 is better for us than 2011 was.  Here's to the new year.


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Another Sunday...

Not much going on today.  Just setting around & staying warm by the fire.  Not much to get done today, except for dishes.  The cats are snuggled up close to each other for warmth.   It seems they take turns getting out of the pile & going down by the fire to warm up & then return to the mass of cat newly warmed.  The mostly indoor cat who wishes she was still a mostly outdoor cat is not very involved with these pile ups.  Occasionally, the smaller of the indoor kitties will sleep next to the "outdoor" cat.    

Today is for getting dishes done, staying warm & watching the season finale of Amazing Race.


Saturday, December 10, 2011


It takes a while but once the weather settles down I can usually get used it.  I'm starting to adjust to the cold weather & it isn't nearly as bothersome as it was a week ago, even though it's actually colder.  I doubt I'll ever be a big fan of cold weather, but after this Summer, the cooler weather is a relief.

Colder weather means several things for me:
  • Having to keep the house as winterized as possible
  • Leaving the faucets dripping at night
  • Making sure there's unfrozen  water for the outdoor cats
  • Leaving bedding for the outdoor cats
  • Celebrating the diminished flea/bug population
  • Fighting off any rodent invasions
  • Digging out & piling on the blanket/afghan arsenal
  • Adjusting to cats lounging/sleeping on/with you
  • Back to drinking hot tea

Those are just some of the adjustments that come with the colder weather.   Hope you all are adjusting to the chill.


Friday, December 9, 2011

Carol Gripes...

I had decided to post a holiday song every day after Thanksgiving until Christmas to my facebook page.  That seemed easy enough.  Hah, perhaps even double hah.  I can't locate half the songs I would like to post & even I can locate them they're some screwed version of the song.  I keep finding instrumentals when I want vocals.  I find orchestral & choral when I want stripped down &/or solo.  Then we get into all the newbies taking their shots at holiday classics.   Yuck.  OK people, nobody with any sense wants to hear a rapped out version of Rudolph.  I don't care what Taylor Swift or Carrie Underwood want, I want the  classic versions of the songs not theirs.  

I'm off to try & find a song to post for today.  Wish me luck or at least happy hunting.  The good carols are scarce.


Thursday, December 8, 2011


Well, it's that time of the year again.  The time when a combination of heaters, weather & hot showers leave my skin itchy.  I hate this.  This is the only time of the year I really like to take hot showers.  They open up my sinuses & help relax my aching muscles, especially when I manage to sleep in an odd position.

Now comes the lotions & ointments to try & calm down the itch.  The redness isn't too bad & I haven't managed to scratch myself too badly yet.  Hopefully, I won't.

So, my choices are Summer time heat with sweat, but no itch or Winter time dry, itchy skin, but no sweat.  What a choice.  Why did Fall have to leave so soon?  It isn't even really Winter for another couple of weeks.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bill/Trash Day...

It was sort of a busy morning for us.  My roomie got herself around for an appointment only to have it get cancelled,.  So we still had to go to the mail center & send things off.  While we were out we managed to hit the bank & pay the rest of the utility bills.  We hadn't planned on doing that today, but we we're out, so why waste the trip.  Being Wednesday, it's trash day eve again.  The trash is taken out & the bills are paid.  For us, this is a busy morning. At least it's all done for now.


PS - Did I mention it's a little past nippy?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Countdown Continues

According to the little day planner on my start page the countdown through holidays is as follow.

EVENT                                               DATE                                      DAYS

Hanukkah                                          beginsWed, Dec 21                   15
Winter Solstice                                   Thu, Dec 22                             16
Christmas Eve                                    Sat, Dec 24                               18 
Roomie's BD                                      Sat, Dec 24                               18
Christmas Day                                   Sun, Dec 25                              19
Christmas Day (Observed)                 Mon, Dec 26                             20
Kwanzaa Begins                                 Mon, Dec 26                             20
New Year's Eve                                  Sat, Dec 31                               25

I'm sure there are many celebrations left off the list, but this catches the major ones, I think.  I hope you all are ready for this holiday season.  May it bring you good tidings, joy & all that other stuff greeting cards talk about this time of the year.  I think there was something about good will & peace.  Sounds pretty hippiesque to me.


Monday, December 5, 2011


I'm off to the dentist day.  We are in the process of replacing a cap from my childhood with a real adult crown. Funny how much cheaper a cap sounds than a crown.   Easier on the wallet too.  There will be that & a filling.  Here's hoping all goes well.  


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Wet & Chilly, Take Two...

It's fairly chilly here today & it's been raining off & on since yesterday afternoon.  We are currently under possible flood warnings.  We need the rain.  I just wish it'd come a little at a time.

I have a dentist appointment tomorrow, so there probably won't be much of a post for Monday.  This may be one of the last times I get to see my current dentist.  My insurance is changing & I'm not sure how this will play out.  I am not happy about it.  I like my dentist.

We did tomorrow's shopping today, so it wouldn't be on the list of things to get done on the same day as my dentist appointment.  Wally World was less than pleasant.   Something about the place always screws with my allergies & sinuses.  The rest of the day is pretty much set with staying inside & getting food together.

I hope you are all warm & dry wherever you are.


Saturday, December 3, 2011

Last Month Anniversary...

Today is the the eleventh month anniversary of the this blog.  Another woohoo for me.  I made it this far.  One more month & I will have made it an entire year.  I have kept up with my news year's resolutions.  I have posted to this blog & I have posted at least something to facebook everyday.  

Lately, my posts here have been short & centered on health & weather, but they're still posts.  My facebook postings tend to stay to some shares of political stuff I'm interested in, LOL pics & just the occasional commentary.  Right now, I'm posting holiday songs.

I am looking forward to the year mark for this blog.  I'm not sure what I'll do then, but I will at least know that I could do this much.  This is a helluva commitment for me.

Have a good one


Friday, December 2, 2011

Still Blowing...

I thought I was moving past this sinus crap.  But all this weather flip-flopping has sent me back into it.  I am tired of blowing my nose.  Not much into doing a post today.  I'll probably just watch some shows & rest, before I take a nice hot shower.  Maybe that'll help get this stuff out of me.   Here's hoping you all are feeling better.


Thursday, December 1, 2011

December Is Here...

December is here & the year is drawing to a close.  This edges us closer to the various holidays.  I hope everyone has a good holiday season.   Here's hoping the best for the month,

Today is World AIDS Day.  It's be going on for over thirty years.  This year's theme & those for the foreseeable future is, "Getting to Zero."  A noble goal, I'm not sure how feasible, but still a good aim.

A lot of people are speaking out on HIV today.  The President of the US wants to kick more $ into HIV/AIDS issues.  It's needed.  NYC has decided that any one found to be + should be on meds immediately instead of waiting for their immune system to take a nose dive.  I believe San Francisco took a similar stance a while back.

Whether you seek to celebrate Feast Day, World AIDS Day or the tribute to Rosa Parks from the national transit system, I hope you have a great day.
