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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Weather Shift

It had been warm, if not wet, around here for a bit.  Today on the other is fairly brisk & wet. I've mentioned numerous times about the weather & my health issues.  It's bad enough what the weather can do to me, but sudden shifts are downright nasty for me.

I know it's not that cold, but after getting used to 80's F & then having it drop back into the 50's F while also being wet is just too big a change for my sake.  It looks like we're going to be wet all through Easter, poor little children out hunting their eggs.  I don't celebrate Easter anymore, other than to de-ear the occasional chocolate bunny.  I used to love dying eggs as a kid. 

Easter like most holidays isn't much of anything for me anymore than a reminder.  It takes me back to what it was like for me as a kid & now I know what it should've been.   Holidays for people from bad families are always a weird & usually touchy subject.

Here I am taking somewhat perverse pleasure at the thought of children having their egg hunts ruined. But also dealing with the fact that I hate how this weather makes me feel.

Hope you are having a good day wherever you are.

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