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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

HIV & The Town I Live In...

It took me a little while to get to this post.  I wanted to be more certain on a few things before I wrote it.  I am aware of a few things concerning HIV & this town.

  1. There are no support groups for someone who is HIV+, even though there is a high rate of transmission in the surrounding area.
  2. I live in a border town & across the border in Ft. Smith, AR there are more treatment options & support measures.  I qualify for none of these because I live in Oklahoma.
  3. There are no doctors who specialize in HIV in my area.
  4. It would be difficult to get my medications from the pharmacies in my local area.
  5. If I had not already been on disability & was still working, I have no doubt in my mind that once my HIV status became known that I would've been creatively terminated.
  6. I know that there are tons of churches in my area, but no RAIN (Regional AIDS Interfaith Network).
  7. I know that most + people in my area probably feel they have to hide their status for fear or reprisal by families, employers or just the locals in general.
  8. I know that the majority of people here operate with an extremely biased, outdated & religiously blind knowledge base concerning HIV & those who are +.
  9. I know that many of the local people who should be educating on the matters of HIV, STD's & sex actively obstructing any real discussion on the matters.
  10. I know that when the internet went out for two days, I felt as if I might as well have been living on the top of Mount Everest.   My outlet to the world was gone & I was isolated. 

Everything on that list sucked.  Before anyone says, hey just move, I would if it were feasible.  Thanks to the economy, I'm pretty much stuck where I am. Not to mention, it's incredibly unlikely that I'll  ever be able to leave Oklahoma.  If I did, I'd be on a waiting list for my meds from whatever program that state had.  I can't afford to go without my meds, so moving out of the state is not an option. 

I'm not meaning to whine, but I think it is important to note that I have explored the resources in my area.  There just aren't many, if any.  I hope things are better where ever you may be.

Try to have a good night everyone.

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