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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Stumbled Upon...

I was Stumbling today & came across this photo.

It's a simple enough statement, but the impact is awe inspiring.  The humble realization that things can just be & not have to be something the giver demands acknowledgment or restitution for, is almost unknown of these days.  The idea of doing something for nothing is almost unamerican.  We are the ultimate capitalists after all.  Sure, some people out there doing volunteer work, but they've probably got an agenda, right?  They want to be seen doing good works or they're doing it to feel better about themselves, or even more common they're being forced by their parents, their schools or the courts.  Don't even get me started on those alleged do-gooders that go out & push their religious malarkey on others, like missionaries & street walking, door banging witnesses for whatever religion is doing a numbers drive this week.

But back to the pic.  There is this radical gift of light being given & no response or payment is even expected.  I realize that the Sun is a star & therefore allegedly without feeling or thought.  However, for many cultures the Sun was a deity & often held in the highest regard.  It might be nice if we could be like the Sun & let a little of the light in ours lives shine on others without expectation, judgement or intent.

Imagine if you could a world where people were humane just because & no other reason was needed.

I know the poet was Muslim, but that isn't what this is about.  This post is about the amazing impact of one small statement.  To do a bit of paraphrasing,  "The greatest form of anarchy is a random act of kindness."  I think Hafiz tuned in to this idea & wanted us all to to see it.  At least, that's how I choose to interpret this writing on the wall.  I hope someone does something kind for you today.

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