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Tuesday, April 26, 2011


When you're + or have a chronic illness, you often find yourself feeling alone.  Many of us, found that a lot of people we thought were in our corners when we got sick are now nowhere to be found.  Being ill, limits you, your abilities, your choices & the people who will be in your life.

If you've been ill for long, you try to develop means of coping with these lessened options & the isolation.  One of the most obvious is the internet.  I use the internet to communicate, shop, research, blog & just occupy my time.  It keeps me feeling more connected & part of things.  Sometimes we forget these things we depend on can disappear. 

On Sunday my internet went out....

My roomie & I were aggravated to say the least.  We called our provider (Suddenlink Sucks) & were told there was an outage.    Funny, I think we already knew that before we called, but they had no idea how long it  would take to fix.  We considered going out, but my area (SE OK) was virtually underwater from storms & flooding, so that was out.  The cable was freaking out as well, so we were virtually cut off for almost 2 days.  

That sucked!  There was nothing we could do about the situation.  If we had needed anything it would've been difficult since many of the roads in our area were flooded.  I'm not even sure that we could've gotten to the hospital, if we had gotten ill.  The roads in my area suck & there are a lot of low-water bridges, what a stupid concept.

Being ill & isolated is beyond frustrating, it can be outright scary.  The what-if's set in on you.  What-if this or that happens, what will I do?  The stress from all of this is bad on you & only feeds into the bad situation you're already in.  

I don't really have a good thing to point out in this post.  I am happy, my net is back, but still it reminded me of how fragile my little part of the world really is & again that sucks!

I hope life is treating you better where ever you are today.

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