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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Kudos To Roomie...

My roomie is considering some major changes in her life in the upcoming couple of years.  She is considering some major alterations regarding her health & her career situation.   It started off easy enough  with her just talking about the matters.  Due to input from others & myself she decided it was a good thing to start researching the matters.

Quite frankly, I think she was a bit blown away by the information she found. Not only the content of what she found, but by the volume. Both the matters she is considering are significant & life altering.  Both of us are Virgos to some extent, research & organization are fairly easy for us & highly desired in our lives. The research revealed things neither of us had even considered being factors.  

She knows the process she is about to undergo is going to be lengthy, embarrassing & painful.  It is going to be one of the most difficult things she'e ever taken on in her life.  However, she knows that she wants this & that she has, or is gaining, the tools to deal with the situation.  This trial ahead is going to require dedication.  It will require communication & honesty with herself & those who can help her through it.  

I'm fairly proud of her for even considering these options.  Five years ago, I don't think she would have.  The important thing here for me is to remember that although this will affect my life, it isn't about me or anyone else, other than my roomie.  I can give her my support & assist as I can can, but I can't do it for her.

I'm confidant she will get as much as the information as she can before she heads down this rabbit hole.  She knows that she can't rush into or through this situation.   She also knows that she's the only one who can do this for her.  This type of behavior is impressive, especially from a person trying very hard to realistically face an incredibly daunting task.  My roomie has accepted that this quest has to be about her & her alone.

Sometimes that sucks.  That alone thing, but sometimes it's nice to know you did something all on your own.  That isn't saying that I won't help wherever I can, but it is to say, that I, nor anyone else, can do it for her.  For realizing these things, I know she is much more mature than she was five years ago.  For being wise enough to not only look before she leapt, but to start doing a boat-load of research on the matter is smart & note worthy.  For being responsible enough to see it as not a necessary thing to do in her life, but also as one that will bring many positive possibilities is astounding.  

I am glad she has begun this epic quest of hers. It shows that she is being realistic about her life.  That she is choosing the right thing for herself & not the easy, expected one.  I'm happy that she has the faith in herself & her abilities to even consider this undertaking.  I very pleased with her for using her wits & intelligence in the matter & not just stupidly jumping willie-nille, totally oblivious to seriousness of the endeavor ahead of her. I do hate stupid people.

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