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Thursday, April 28, 2011


Over the past two weeks there have been a lot of crappy things happening in my area & my life.  We were at the beginning of the tornado/storm hell that ravaged a lot of the southern &  eastern states.

If this map included the previous two weeks you'd see a lot of dots in Oklahoma, Louisiana & Texas.  Not to mention a lot more in the states close to those three.  

I'm not going to talk about the storms though.  I am fortunate in that most of the major damage missed my area & most of the damage in my area, missed my home.  Albeit, it was a trying time, we made it through & will fix whatever was broken, sooner or later.

But today I am thankful.

  • I am thankful that the place I reside in was not seriously harmed.  It only got some damage to the rain gutters.
  • I am happy all the outside animals I feed were unharmed.
  • I am thankful that for now the storms have blown over.
  • I am thankful because we have the resources to deal with what little issues the storm caused us.
  • I am thankful for Oklahoma for one thing, if for no other reason, Okie's know how to deal with & predict storms.  Much of the weather technology was developed in Oklahoma.
Those are some things I'm thankful for, what about you?

Hope you have blue skies today.

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