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Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Sweet Bliss Of Sleep

I felt really off yesterday & it wore me out.  I crashed fairly early & fell straight to sleep.  I woke up & for the first time in a while I wasn't achy or feeling groggy.  Sleep is the most important thing to anyone's health.  If  you aren't sleeping well, then you won't feel well.

Most people live with a fairly notable level of sleep debt or deprivation.  This comes about for many reasons.  You could have a sleep disorder.  You could not try to get enough sleep.  You may actually need more sleep than most people.  There are tons of reasons, but whatever the reason, sleep debt is dangerous to your health in the long run as well as the short term.

Lack of sleep can cause a host a health ailments; diabetes, weight gain, memory loss &  microsleeps. Those are just the physical ailments, it can also lead to depressions, irritability & hallucinations. These can all shorten your lifespan. However, one blackout while you're driving & it could all be over for you, as well as others.

Sleep is a mysterious function of the body that we still don't totally understand.  What do know, is that we need sleep & a fair amount of it daily.  It helps get recharge & heal our bodies.  Sleep is when the body can do much of its custodial services if you will.

If you have an illness that affects your sleep, then you need to deal with problem right away.  Because it will become a vicious cycle or the illness affecting your sleep, then your lack of sleep affecting your illness, only to begin again.  There are things that can be done about sleeplessness, but first you need to determine what it is causing yours.

If you have problems sleeping, you have a medical problem & should treat as such. After a good night's sleep I am rejuvenated & feel fairly well.  I hope you sleep well & I wish you sweet dreams for tonight.

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