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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Repeating Crap Doesn't Make It True

One of the blogs I read posted this article today. The article is about a man that earlier in life aided an elephant, yes an elephant.  Only to think he has met the same elephant across the globe years later.  Due to his mistake, he approaches the large animal & gets killed.  This hoax isn't new, it's been passed around for at least a few decades now. dismissed this story as a scam some time back, but still it persists in entering people's blogs & emails.

If this had been posted the day before, I would've passed it off as an April's Fool's prank.   I have no idea what the author of this blog intended & I'm not going to talk about him/her.  I want to talk about this need to purposely pass around false information.  I get jokes & humor, but hoaxes are intentional attempts to push forward false information.  Isn't there already enough misinformation out there?

It pisses me off when I hear some tale of heroism or compassion only to find out the whole story was a lie.  Don't try to pass this off as a morality thing either, because these people don't seem to have any other interest in watching a bunch of rubes get suckered.  

There are enough scams & tricks in the world without adding more. These people aren't tricksters, they aren't moralists, they're just juvenile ass-hats.  Do us a favor & don't forward this crap on to anyone.  If something seems to good to be true, then google it or go to & check it out.  You might be surprised to find out your brand new story of compassion is a ruse that's been told since the late 1800's.

Hope everyone is having a good day.

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