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Monday, April 25, 2011

Bad Weather & Aches

The crap-fest weather has remained & so have my aches.  Being + makes life so fun sometimes.  Besides the aches & annoyances, though is all the seriousness of foul weather in Oklahoma.  I think tornadoes were born here.  Tornadoes are nasty things with wicked senses of humor & are blazing decor critics.  They hate trailers & pink flamingos.

The winds picked up & the rain dropped by the ton loads.  The estimates for the rain here are between 2.5 - 4" in a very short period of time.  It caused the back rain gutter to come loose, great something else to fix.  But, we are better off than a lot people around here.  There are people who's homes are flooded, cars stranded in high water & may or may not places to stay during this mess.  

My point today, no matter how much I may gripe to the contrary, is there is almost always someone out there far worse off than yourself.  All in all, a detached gutter is nothing compared to a flooded home.  I have a house that is relatively warm & dry.  

I hope you are well & that the skies above you are, or soon will be, clear.

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