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Monday, April 4, 2011

Feeling Creaky

Yesterday, it got almost to 90 F here & it was windy as hell.  Today we are going to be lucky to hit 60 F & will be down into the 30's tonight.  All the topsy turvy weather is hell on me.  I don't know if it would've been if I wasn't +, but it is now.  These ups & downs play havoc with my allergies & leave me feeling stiff & bit like the Tin Man needing oiled.

The winds blew hard yesterday & are still going today.  They're stirring up all the pollen, dust & debris.  My breathing is shot.  Went to Walmart to pick up a few things & by the time I got back out it was colder & my breathing was ragged.

I know I tend to hit back on a lot of the same topics but these are the things that are in my life.  More importantly, these are the things that affect my life on a frequent, if not daily basis.  When you are +, everything little is a trigger for something you used to blow off.  My allergies were never as bad before I was +.  Of course I'm also getting older, so it's hard to tell which one is the culprit.

I heard about the AIDS Olympics & I just laughed.  If I had the strength to do anything like that, I sure wouldn't be on disability.  Then again I might, I have no idea how I'd ever pay for my meds otherwise.  But really an AIDS Olympics?  People already think HIV is something you can live with easily & I, for one, tell you, that it isn't.  HIV isn't always, but can be serious hell.

Oh well enough of my rambling.  Maybe tomorrow the weather will improve & I'll feel better again.  Here's to good weather & no allergies.

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