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Sunday, April 10, 2011

BSOD & Rapid Fire Restarts

Not a long one today.  A little worn out.  My roomie's computer is being a super King Kamehameha bitch.   Move over Kyle's mom.   It keeps throwing up errors, restarting & of the BSOD can't be left out.  We went out today to price a small notebook for her while we have hers fixed, if  we can't fix it ourselves.  Hit Walmart, Best Buy & Sears.  Was too tired to hit anything else & it turns out Sears only carries computers online these days.  After that, we at least got Chinese food.   OK, it was mall Chinese, but that's better than what I can get at home.  

The search is still on & the Chinese was good, but still the computer is being bothersome.  My roomie calls her computer Saffy, after Saffron Monsoon.  I think I'm going to start calling it Kyle's Mom.

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