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Monday, April 18, 2011


Not going to be a long post today, just something to bounce an idea off the reader.  My roomie brought the idea that some people are just too opinionated. By that she meant that when someone makes a statement that we are not obligated to stick in our two ¢ on the matter.

The example she used that when a person comes up & informs another that their child has just died in the war, this person wasn't inquiring the second for an opinion.  Neither was it an appropriate place for the second person to interject their beliefs.  This was a time for support, compassion & if the second couldn't muster anything else, silence.

Communication is more than talking & hearing.  It is about genuinely trying to get a point across. Talking is not the same as speaking.  Some people gab all day & in the end say very little, so they just rambled on without communicating.  Others nod their heads & say that they heard you, but they didn't really listen.  They didn't take the time to comprehend what was being said.  

In a world where communication has become more & more indirect & impersonal truly conversing is often difficult.  Texting is not the same as communicating. Neither are one line blips on Facebook or Twitter.  Simply expressing your opinion without really listening to what was being said in the first place isn't communicating.  Constantly expressing your side of things is unyielding & rude.

Are giving your opinion to often?  Can you hold back your 2 ¢?  Or do you feel obligated to spit out your unrequested opinion?

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