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Friday, April 29, 2011

The Lull...

Today is a slow day.  I'm happy for that.  I had to go shopping & it was mostly an unremarkable trip.  Nothing was too good or bad.  I have no plans for today, except to try to recuperate from the hell this weather has wrecked on my body.  

The air is still thick from the storms & my every joint in my body wants to pop repeatedly.  A little stiffness is better than being sore all day.  For now my allergies are down & that lets me back off the allergy pills for a while longer.

I know this is about as exciting as watching paint peel, but after the last couple of weeks, having relatively little going on is totally OK by me.   The cats are lounging, my roomie is back in her routine & I can just do my own thing.  Hopefully the next wave of bad weather won't be so intense.

I'll just set back & do a little surfing, listen to some music & catch up on some TV episodes I've missed.  It is a nothing type of day.  Later I may catch up on some housework, then again maybe not.

I hope you can enjoy a nothing day soon.

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