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Friday, April 22, 2011

Sorta Good Friday...

I'm not the religious type, but this is "Good Friday".  I'm not sure just how good of a day it is, let alone how good a Friday it is.  However, I will try to list ten things that are good about today.

  1. I'm not in an alarming amount of pain, just slight achiness brought on by the weather.
  2. My intestinal system has yet to declare war on me today.
  3. The tree that got blown down by the storm is in a neighbor's yard, not mine.
  4. The cats have yet to destroy anything today.
  5. The never ending wind hasn't blown in any airborne simians or falling houses.
  6. Walmart was not a total hell today.
  7. The house & cars are in relatively good working order.
  8. The pollen levels in my area are at a moderate level & a not OMFG!!! level.
  9. My paperwork seems to have been approved from Human Services.
  10. I don't have to anything else today that I don't want to.

There is my list of "good" things for this Friday.  Hope you're having a great Friday.

I just can't resist the urge to be slightly perverse...

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