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Sunday, April 3, 2011

I Can't Believe It, A Big One

This actually pretty amazing.  I'm not the person with the most stick-to-it-ness, but I have kept posting for three whole months.  For me this is an accomplishment.  I can start habits, but many of them don't stick, but so far I am right on track with this blog thing.

I have had good habits in the past but many of them have gone the way of the dinosaurs for some reason or another.  Some I just forgot & let go.  Others were no longer needed.  For over a decade I carried an over the shoulder soft briefcase/book bag.  It was my life, I had everything in there; my books, my notes, pens, pop, cigarettes & a ton more.  Once school was over though, it didn't serve as much use & it found itself relegated to a closet.  It had once been my most consistent accessory, then it was no longer needed & left to gather dust.

Threes are weird.  College classes usually came in three hour blocks, if they didn't it just felt weird.  A five hour class seemed like torture & an one hour class somehow felt like cheating.  They say bad things come in three's, I wonder if those three were the only ones we noticed.  Most people spend at least part of their lives in a familial three; theirs, their parents & their grandparents generations.  Eventually the parents get replace by child's & grandchild's generation, but the three remains.

For a lot of folks, the three leads to some form of religious thing.  The Christian trinity or the Triple Faced Goddess.  I'm not really into any organized religion or form of spirituality, as I have said before, I'm mostly pantheistic.  I never really got the hang up on threes, it's mostly a Greek thing, with body, mind & soul.  I think at one point it was probably based on the phases of the moon; waxing, full, waning.  However, they left one out, the dark of the moon.  So this whole religious thing should be based on fours not threes. There should be the Maiden, the Mother, the Crone & the Warrior.  Catholicism almost has it with the Father, Son, Holy Ghost & Mary, the Co-Redeemer.

Threes complicate things.  It's hard enough to choose right or left, but then some smart-ass has to come along & give us another option, like up or down.  Threes are just a hint at the complexity of our lives. One child, one child's perspective.  Two children equals two perspectives.  However three can equal three perspectives, one unified front or worse a two child block leaving out the third child.  No matter what else you can say about the number, three is complicated.

The number three is also a symbol for folly & or cautionary warnings.  Take the men above, we call them the Stooges.  They are portrayed doing stupid things that usually bring them harm.   Then there are the morally superior monkeys that neither, see, hear or speak evil.  There were three Wyrd Sisters to tempt Macbeth. But threes can also be a sign of strength, even for the Stooges.  Take Donald Duck in The Three Caballeros.  Another example is The Three Musketeers.

Regardless of your interpretation of the number, today is the marking of my three month anniversary of writing this blog. That's 90 days, 90 entries that I have actually done.  If you find this pathetic, that's fine, go ahead & laugh, but you're laughing at my post & I did that.  I wrote the post that made you, so be thankful.  You might not find anything else to laugh at today. No matter how you react to this post, I hope it moves you in some way.  If nothing else there is the paraphrased proverb, "The longest journey begins with a single step."  Thank you Lao-tzu for that.

Today is my three month anniversary, happiness & hoo-rahs to me.  It's a very happy un-anniversary to me, to me.  I hope you have a great day & maybe finish some little thing that gives you sense of accomplishment.

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