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Friday, April 15, 2011

Dark Skies

Last night we had some serious storms in our area.  I've grown up around thunder storms & tornadoes & accept them as part of life.  There is a storm cellar on the property but I've never used it & didn't last night.  I am of the mind, that if a tornado is going to get you, it's going to get you.  That probably sounds a bit cavalier to some, but not to me.  Most cellars are barely 6 feet in the ground & the tops of them are usually above ground.  If a tornado comes near, it can dig through that little bit of dirt.  

My roomie's sister-in-law is also an Okie & one would think she could handle a storm, but that is not the case.  So my roomie's brother, his wife, two kids & a friends of theirs ducked down into the dark, wet pit called the cellar.  There storm warnings lasted quite some time & during which there was a pause in the storm activity.  They scurried up out of the hole to go to the bathroom & get a drink, before returning back down to the recesses of the earth.  They reminded me of those crabs that live on the beach & have to get all their scavenging done before the tide returns.  Then again it was sort of like some form of undead rising from it's crypt, seeking sustenance & then return to the depths from which it came.

Storm cellars are nasty places.  They are often ankle-deep in water, have vermins & snakes.

All in all, unless I see the funnel of the tornado, there is little chance of me going down into a storm cellar.  I hope all of you are fairing well & don't find  yourselves in need of a storm shelter.

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