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Thursday, April 5, 2018

Yet Again..

This article discusses another possible mass exposure to HIV & hepatitis.   This was another hospital in Colorado.  It was due to inadequate sterilization processes for equipment used during orthopedic or spinal surgeries. This took place from July 2016 until February 20.  That's 20 months.  For over 600 days people faced possible exposure.  How many surgeries were done per day?  

But don't worry:
"We want to assure patients that our team immediately acted to remedy the situation. Recent survey results released by The Joint Commission, which accredits hospitals in the United States, revealed no errors in our process or protocols," the hospital said.
How comforting.  Some arbitrary commission has decided the hospital had done nothing wrong.   Which is their attempt to deny culpability.  To make it harder on those people whose lives this hospital may have just altered forever.   This hospital's main concern is taking care of it's own.

My best goes out to those impacted by this "accident".  I hope your results come back clear.  Then maybe you can get back to living your lives. 


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