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Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Post Mow...

Yesterday was the 1st mowing of the year.  It was need, but it was pretty awful as well.  With the weird weather & never-ending allergies, the added lawn yuck killed us.   I was already feeling off & that did me in for most the day.  The little cat, Millie, AKA  Camilla, was out of it for the day.  She laid on the floor looking near dead.    She slept with me all night & is still on my bed.  She seems to be a little more with it, but not her normal over-amped self yet.  

With the mowing, comes the need for edging.  I hope he comes back soon to handle that or I'll have to.  Yard work is pretty much beyond me now.  I've had to accept that idea.  I went out to clear some grass from around a small rose & it nearly did me in just handling that small bit.  Our enemies, the fire ants, are back.  I've found  almost a dozen small hills so far.  That might be more than I found all Summer last year.   I hope that's not a sign.  We've also got a few fleas off the cats.  I hate fleas.

The yard is mowed & the birds are taking advantage of the short grass.  Bugs are back on the menu.   The pole dancing squirrel was back this morning.  There'll probably be squirrelettes soon.

That's all for now.  Me & the kitten need to recuperate a bit.


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