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Sunday, April 22, 2018


Not much going on this morning.  It rained yesterday & last night.  We got about an inch.  We needed it.  Maybe it'll cut down on the fire risks for a bit.  

Due to some stupid changes in how our state handles some things, my roomie is experiencing some unwanted changes in her life.    I won't go into detail, its not my tale to tell.   I will say, change can be hard even when you know it's coming & you want it.  Having it forced on you, especially out of the blue, can be very disorienting & challenging.  Even on small things.   

I used to enjoy going to my mail box center.  I knew the people & had a long relationship with them.   The place changed owners & gradually they all found other jobs.  The place still offers the same services & does them well, but it's not the same.  I'm still not happy about my dentist being changed or them altering who I see with my HIV specialist.   I'm getting through it, but I'm not happy or comfortable.  I'm not sure I'll ever be that with the new versions.

The change my roomie faced was more personal & involved.  It was unexpected & unnecessary.  She's facing choices she didn't opt in for.   It's stressful.  Sometimes, some of us will stay in bad situations just to avoid change.   The hell you know adage is quite powerful.  

Nothing stays the same.  Things march on with or without you.  Sometimes that really just sucks.


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