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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

OK, Back To Yuck...

For years some in the fight against HIV had, what I considered, unrealistic dreams.   They thought they could stop transmissions by 2020.   They thought they could get medications & medical services to everyone.   They really had their pie in the sky.    

They had a plan, it was bold.  What they didn't have was capital.  They thought people like USA would fork it over.   The US did quite a bit for a while, so did a host of other countries.   But that was all dependant on politics.  As those shifted to a more radically, conservative nature, those funds began to dry up.   Now, the US is cutting nearly everything it can concerning the fight against  HIV.

We could be at the beginning of a resurgence of HIV.   All due to bad economic choices, hateful conservatism, blame & bias.   The fight against HIV is returning to it's classist, stigmatized roots.  So much for those plans for 2020.  We'll  be lucky not to see numbers soar as the funds dwindle.


PS - Whatever good sleep weather we had went back to whence it came last night.  Last night was rough & this morning is gloomy.  Yuck.

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