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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Really & Busy...

OK, a couple of givens.  If you say or reveal something about yourself, you can never unsay it or take it back.  Whatever it was, is now known.  2nd, businesses of all types, especially those online, gather & sale the information of those people who traffic their sites.  Both are givens.  Anyone should understand this.

So, why is it people get so surprised & outraged when something they reveled about themselves online turns up somewhere else?    They should've known this would happen.  I post about my illness. People who read this blog close enough can figure a lot about my life.  I knew that going in.  I accepted that.  If I couldn't have, I shouldn't have started the blog in the 1st place. 

To all you people out there that told Grindr, or whatever other site, your HIV status, what did you expect?    Of course they used that data.  Of course they sold it.   Information is ore, data mining is nothing new.   HIV status is a rarer tidbit, so it was probably worth quite a bit.  You might be upset  Grindr sold personal info, but it was in their user's agreement.  That bunch fine print you were supposed to read before using the site.  This isn't on Grindr, it's on you.  That's why you're so pissed off.  Own it & move on with your life.

Have to get going.  I need a shower & we have bills to pay.  I need to get back soon, my meds are on their way.  I don't want to have to reschedule the delivery.


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