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Friday, April 6, 2018

Same Story Different Place...

That could've been the title of yesterday's post.  It's a common theme with HIV.  These incidents with HIV experiences are like shampoo instructions; go through whatever, possibly survive it, don't learn from it, repeat the ordeal.   This time it wasn't with another failed sterilization procedure.  

This article discusses 2 decent sized cities in Massachusetts.  Both have seem an uptick in HIV rates due to IV drug use.  This isn't about sexuality.  This isn't a gay thing. It's about young people reusing needles & contracting illnesses.  

But hey, we have to make it a moral judgement thing, don't we?  Maybe, if people had kept their morals to themselves, we could've been a lot further along in the fight against HIV.  People do love their spectacles & outrage.  The way things are going, if something doesn't change, HIV could actually make a full blown comeback.  Everybody loved the 80s.


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