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Saturday, April 7, 2018

Yesterday Was Not Good...

It rained all day yesterday.  Last I checked it was up to 1.75" of rain.  Of course says we only got .5".  The weather forecast last night said we might actually wake up to snow.  Now, we're just looking for freezing rain.  3 weeks into Spring & they call for snow.  I'm over the cold weather.

Suddenlink crapped out on us again yesterday.  It was out for over 6 hours.  I'm writing earlier in case this happens again today.  I hate this company.

Good things do come to an end.  The tulips I've enjoyed are losing their petals & fading.   Soon there  will just be some foliage.  I'll miss them.  This may be their last year ever.  They hadn't bloomed in years before this season.  I appreciate their appearance this year.  

My roomy got some unwanted news yesterday.  I won't go into detail, it's her story.  But, I will say no one likes change forced onto them.  

Yesterday, just wasn't a great day.


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