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Saturday, April 14, 2018

Stressful Hours...

For the last several Fridays, our routine has been upended.  It's usually Suddenlink screwing everything up.   Last night it was the weather.  A storm blew out our power for a while.  Not long, but enough to stress me out again.  I'm to the point where I just can't handle it.

I don't have much in this world.  If the power & the net is working, I can distract myself.   I don't focus on it.  I can go about my life, such as it is.   Without them, I realize, they're about all I have.  

I know some people in the world, don't even have that much.  It may sound callous, but I don't care.  I can't do anything about their situation.  I can barely do anything about my own.   I won't be apologetic for wanting what I can get.   I can be sympathetic for others, but I won't sacrifice myself for people I don't even know.   That statement isn't at all PC, but it is true.  In this life I have my roomie,  my cats & myself.  That's it.  Those are the things I care about.  

My body is still reacting to last night's stress out.  I'm tired & worn out.  I don't need much,  but it would very nice if everything would stop pecking at me for a while.  I need to recuperate & recharge.  I can't do that if I'm constantly stressing.

I hope your day goes well.  On the bright side, we got a lot of rain, about an inch.   Take care.


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