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Monday, April 2, 2018

No Cares Given...

It's another Cheap Chocolate Day After Holiday.  I have to go shopping this morning, I might get lucky.  Tomorrow will be bill day & the week is looking a little busy.  I hoped the rain we've had would have knocked down the allergies.  That didn't happen,  I think the rain actually made it worse.  Read yesterday that there is a 2nd wave of flu going on in the US & of course Oklahoma is seeing some of the worst of it.  Just great.

Articles concerning HIV rates & the needs of people living with HIV are a constant online.   The problem, most people don't read them, unless the title is click-bait & then the reader is usually just irritated.  The issue here is simple, people fighting HIV & providing aid for those with the virus need other people to be concerned about their cause.  But, most aren't & they aren't going to until they are directly affected.

When it comes to HIV, civil rights, climate change & the like, most people like to talk a good game, but honestly have very few cares to give on the matter.   For some, it's just these people are tapped out & have little give anything.  Other people are asshats & have no F's to give about anything other than themselves & their pet causes.  

As hard as it is, when dealing with HIV or the like, on a personal or global level, the tactics have to change.  We have to acknowledge most people just do not care.  Some can't, some are just vile egos bobbing around in meatsuits.  We have to learn to & adjust to doing as much solo as we can.  Beating our head against the walls these people create is exhausting & exasperating.   Most people will never help anything other than themselves, some won't even do that. 

It's awful.   If we accept they won't help, then maybe we can move on to develop strategies that don't require them.   It may not always be possible.   But where it is, we have to accept these people will likely never come through for anything.  Whether it's apathy, burnout, hate, ideology or whatever the reason, we have to accept this is the reality of these people & we aren't changing it with information or spin tactics. 

All we can do is move on & do the best we can.


PS.  Good luck to all the teachers & staff walking out of schools today for better treatment.

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