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Monday, April 9, 2018


If you know anything about the history of HIV, especially in the west, you know it's been a hard fight.  A battle waged largely for, by & on behalf of gay men.  During the 80s & 90s, most people wouldn't go near the HIV fight unless they had a vested interest, being +, being gay or being close to someone who was either of those.  With ACT UP & similar groups, HIV was brought to the forefront & advances were made.

Lately, I've read several articles about how some women feel there's been too much focus on gay males in regards to HIV.   It's a growing sentiment.   What do I have to say to that?  Boo Hoo!   If you want something like this, you have to stand up.  Too long others have let those involved with the gay community or affected by  HIV do the heavy lifting when it comes to the virus.  If you want to better represented, stand up.  Don't get pissed at gay men & their kin for their part in this fight.

Women fought for their rights.  They fought for laws to protect them against a litany of crimes.  They built communities & shelters.  They strategized & warred.    Now, they can do the same.    There are a host of places where advances have been made by women, for women, that men could benefit from but haven't claimed.  Women were the pioneers in those areas & most men won't even admit their own needs. That's not on the women to carry the men forward, that's on the men.

But stop accusing those who fought HIV before you ever wanted open your mouths.  Don't blame the gay community for your lack of involvement, desire to stay anonymous, your need to be unseen. Don't yell at us for being the squeaky wheel.  Act the hell up or shut up.  But don't come for us ladies.  You won't like the fight.


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