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Friday, April 13, 2018

Grey Skies...

I woke to grey skies this morning.  Unfortunately, they have a lot of yellow to them.   Around here, that's generally a good sign of bad weather.   We have to be out today.  That should be fun.  They're forecasting strong storms.

My computer started alright this morning.  I hope it was just a glitch & not some unwanted portent of of things to come.  The kitten is doing better.  Getting back to her normal, obnoxious level of energy.   She's recently 2, so this kitteness should be fading.

The allergens are horrid.  It was really warm last night, but the weekend is supposed to have overnights just above freezing.   Oh Yippie!

That's about all.  I have to be out of here soon & I have things to do before I go.


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