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Monday, April 16, 2018

Talk, Talk...

A few things this morning.  I hope this is the last morning of the Spring I wake up in the lower 30s F.  I'm tired of the cold.   On to non-weather related matters.   (I'm also already over the allergies, grass & yard bugs.)

I've seen several articles dealing with pharma companies making too much profit off of HIV drugs.  Of course they do.   There's no doubt they've punched the cost of those meds as high as they could get away with in the US & other developed countries.  But every time a researcher puts out a statement, big pharma comes crying how we just understand how hard it is to be them.   Yes, it's so hard to understand your utter greed.  No, really it's not.

Conchita Wurst, the winner of Eurovision as come out as HIV+.   The singer didn't do this completely voluntarily.  Her privacy was threatened by an angry ex.   Over the course of several articles, I'm still  not sure if the ex just threatened to out her or was trying to actually blackmail the performer.  Either way a person felt forced to take control of her situation & reveal private information.  Now, no one can ever do this to the singer again.  That's great, but she should've never have been forced to make that choice.  I hope they prosecute her ex.  Just remember, once you let people know your secrets, it's only a matter of time, before others do as well.

We have errands today.  I need to go pay my dentist bill.  I'd do it online, but their site is sort of hinky feeling.  I've had to get enough replacement credit cards already.  I think I'll handle this in person.  Maybe we'll get something nice to eat while we're out.


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