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Monday, May 15, 2017

Your Turn...

The end of last week, I was dealing with stomach & digestion issues.  Way too many trips to the bathroom.  I thought it was my allergies & meds. Looks like I was wrong.  For the last couple of days, my roomie has faced the same issues.  

I went shopping this morning & half the store was unattended or just getting handled.   A worker told me that  a lot of people were out sick.  He said this had been a problem since last Fall.   I'm not sure what's going on  in my area, but since last Fall, it's been flu, allergies, pneumonia, stomach viruses, etc.. non-stop.   Some people have been ill since October.  Whatever's going on, needs to stop.  This was a rough Winter season healthwise.

My specialist appointment  has been postponed until June.  That leaves me with a regular doctor exam next Wednesday.   Then hopefully, I'm done for a while with health issues

More tomorrow.


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